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FanX Rules Engine is a events processing unit that is responsible for executing and managing user-defined rules.

The Rules Engine processes incoming events without requiring any aggregation or data preprocessing. It does not directly communicate with any internal or external data provider, instead, events should be published to the message broker, which Rules Engine will consume.


The UserEvent struct represents an event that is processed by the Rules Engine. It should always contain the following fields:

idUUIDThe unique event identifier.
clientIdStringThe identifier of the client associated with the event.
createdAtDateTimeThe timestamp when the event was created.
sourceSystemStringEvent source system.
sourceSystemIdStringEvent type (unique per source system).
authIdIntegerTarget user id.
dataObjectData associated with the event.
"id": "c7a18952-b7ce-4fdc-8017-ed5bbddbf745",
"clientId": "ICPRODUCT",
"createdAt": "2024-05-09T12:16:39.02799841Z",
"sourceSystem": "polls-service",
"sourceSystemId": "poll-submitted",
"authId": 14659917,
"data": {
"pollId": "c828978e-d9aa-4ea0-8b05-19d3b3f71b08",
"optionId": "eecc6959-6082-4cda-a5ca-fa08614773ac",
"language": "en",
"originUrl": "",
"submittedAt": "2024-05-09T12:16:21.01541241Z"

Sample event produced by a Polls Service


Rules Engine allows parallel events processing and relies on internal ordering implementation to make it work. KCL ensures that events with the same authId will preserve their order, making sure that user events will be processed sequentially.

If custom producer is being used, it is responsible for implementing consistent ordering mechanism. Please refer to 'Message Broker' section for more context.


In order to avoid duplicates processing, Rules Engine will skip any event that already resulted progress change. This means that events producer is responsible for making sure that event generated by a specific action will have consistent id on retry.


KCL offers messages scheduling (supports event and transaction entities) mechanism that can be used to produce event on a specific time. Scheduler has 60 seconds precision window, so the event is guaranteed to be produced within 60 ticks after the target scheduled timestamp. Please refer to 'KCL - Scheduling' for more details and use cases.


Flow is the essential part of Rules Engine. It is a user-defined rule that is executed every time any event satisfies rule's conditions.

idUUIDThe unique identifier of the flow.
clientIdStringThe identifier of the client associated with the flow.
parentIdUUID?The identifier of the parent flow, if any.
pointsInteger?The points associated with the flow.
experienceInteger?The experience associated with the flow.
rewardsArray<String>The rewards associated with the flow.
enabledBooleanIndicates whether the flow is enabled or not.
nameStringThe name of the flow.
descriptionStringThe description of the flow.
sourceSystemString?The source system of the flow.
sourceSystemIdString?The source system ID of the flow.
driverDriver?The driver of the flow.
replicasIntegerThe number of replicas of the flow.
cooldownTimeoutInteger?The cooldown timeout of the flow.
resetThresholdInteger?The reset threshold of the flow.
maxCompletionsIntegerThe maximum number of completions of the flow.
validFromDateTime?The valid from date of the flow.
validToDateTime?The valid to date of the flow.
schemaSchema?The schema of the flow.
dependenciesMap<Boolean, UUID>The dependencies of the flow.
hooksArray<Hook>The hooks associated with the flow.
metadataAnyThe metadata of the flow.

? - optional field

In order to satisfy the flow, target event should have matching sourceSystem and sourceSystemId fields.


In order to avoid fetching all target flows when event received, Rules Engine implements in-memory graph database that provides low-latency retrieval for all active flows. Flow is treated as valid if:

  • validFrom and/or validTo fields are not set or are in current timerange
  • enabled is set to true

Please note that GFlow is caching flows, so flow changes can take up to 5 minutes (configurable per-client) to take affect. Clients should avoid updating live production flows as this may result unexpected behaviour.