📄️ Introduction
# Overview
📄️ Admin
📄️ Create Reward
Endpoint to create a Reward
📄️ Create Transaction
Endpoint to manually insert a transaction. Generally Transactions will be generated automatically when an event is triggered. This endpoint is useful to manually asign rewards to an user (for example).
📄️ Delete Reward
Endpoint to Delete a Reward
📄️ Get Flow by ID
Endpoint to retrieve a Flow for the specified id.
📄️ GET Leaderboard Metadata
Endpoint to retrieve the metadata associated to a Leaderboard key (i.e. useful to calculate the percentage of correct answers given the total amount of questions for some leaderboard).
📄️ Get Leaderboards
Endpoint to return Leaderboard by a combination of:
📄️ Get Parent Flows
Endpoint to retrieve all active Parent Flows
📄️ Get Reward
Endpoint to retrieve a Reward
📄️ Get Rewards
Endpoint to retrieve a list of Rewards for the given client id.
📄️ Get user Balances
Endpoint to retrieve current user Balances. Balances could be:
📄️ Get user latest Progress
Endpoint to retrieve User latest Progress for a specified Flow
📄️ Get User Leaderboard My Rank
Endpoint to retrieve the User (that's currently logged in) Rank for a given Leaderboard Key, by a combination of:
📄️ Get User Leaderboard Rank
Endpoint to retrieve the User (specified by usedId) Rank for a given Leaderboard Key, by a combination of:
📄️ Get user Progress
Endpoint to retrieve User Progress for a specified Flow
📄️ Get user Rewards
Endpoint to retrieve rewards obtained by a user.
📄️ Get user Timeline
Endpoint to retrieve user Timeline (transactions history). Useful for users to see their account operations/movements.
📄️ Reset Leaderboards
Admin (and backup) endpoint to manually Reset Leaderboards (useful to re-calculate after some weird issue).
📄️ Resync Users
Admin (and backup) endpoint to re-sync rewards service Users table (this shouldn't be needed as we are updating Users table thanks our event-driven architecture).
📄️ Revert Transactions
Endpoint to manually revert transactions. Since Transactions cannot be updated, this is a way to undo one or more Transactions that might been created wrongly. It will revert all the transactions that belongs to the specified `groupId`, between the date ranges indicated with `from` and `to` fields.
📄️ Update Reward
Endpoint to update a Reward
📄️ Upsert Leaderboard Metadata
Endpoint to Upsert metadata associated to a Leaderboard key (i.e. useful to calculate the percentage of correct answers given the total amount of questions for some leaderboard).
📄️ User