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Get user Timeline



Endpoint to retrieve user Timeline (transactions history). Useful for users to see their account operations/movements.


Path Parameters

    clientID stringrequired
    userId stringrequired


Successful operation

  • Array [
  • id uuid
    authId number
    clientId string
    data object

    data field can contain any JSON value. This field gives the request some flexibility.

    amount number
    flowId string
    leaderboards object
    dimensions string[]
    keys string[]
    message string
    groupId string

    useful to group transactions.

    isComparable boolean

    indicates if this transaction should be used to calculate Leaderboards or not.

    operation string

    indicates if this transaction should increase or decrease the balance. Allowed values are CREDIT and DEBIT.

    parentId uuid

    indicates that this transaction is child of the specified parentId (i.e. this transaction is a BOOSTER of another one).

    sourceSystem string
    type string
    createdAt date-time
  • ]