Version: 1.0.0
FanX - Rewards Service
Collection to manage Rewards Service. It also provides public-facing endpoints to retrieve information from Rules Engine.
- Retrieve rewards obtained by a user.
- Admin endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting rewards such as badges and themes.
User Balances
- Current Balances of the user. Balances could be :
- Points
- Experience
- Scores (i.e. amount of correct answers)
- Any other numeric value
- Get User Timeline endpoint (transaction history).
- WebSocket is also supported for Get User Timeline.
- Admin endpoint to manually create Transactions.
- Admin endpoint to manually revert an already created Transactions.
- Get Leaderboards by a combination of:
- clientID
- leaderboard key (i.e. competition_id, season_id, round_id or question_id)
- features (i.e. POINTS, EXPERIENCE or SCORES)
- dimensions (i.e. GLOBAL, EUROPE, or AUTHENTICATED)
- Get Leaderboard User Rank for a given leaderboard (all previous parameters can be provided)
- Admin endpoint to manually Reset Leaderboards (useful to re-calculate after some weird issue).
- Upsert/Get Leaderboards Metadata (i.e. useful to calculate the percentage of correct answers given the total amount of questions for some leaderboard)
Rewards Service Users
- Admin endpoint to re-sync rewards service Users table. (This shouldn't be needed as we are consuming updates from fanscore-profile)
- Parent flows for a user
User Progress
- Latest Progress in a flow for a user
- Current Progress in a flow for a user